Five J Design Blog

5 Drool-Worthy Ecommerce Fads of 2016

Posted by Emily Wallace on Mon, Jun 27, 2016 @ 09:06 AM
Emily Wallace


As we are half way through 2016 we have seen some big changed in the Ecommerce world. Here is a list of 5 fads that will make your users say "ohhh" and "ahhh" while they visit your site. 

Ginormous photos/ videos

Having huge photos fill the screen to greet the user who found their way to your Ecommerce site is the number one fad of 2016. Not only are the pictures or videos a good intro into your store to show off your products, but also the personality of your small business. These giant images help to declutter the first thing your users see, as often eCommerce sites can become a horde of product images. Pictures are worth a thousand words and huge photos on your eCommerce site design are worth 1000 street cred points.

Flat design

If a giant image isn’t your style, then go to Shopify’s new and improved flat design 2.0. This design is dazzling. Its sleek, modern and clean. Users might drool just scrolling through it because it’s just so darn gorgeous. This type of design uses vivid colors on muted backgrounds to create a very modern design, it also capitalizes on creating a 3D effect with 2D features with shadows and highlights.



This design fad is taking over the eCommerce world, hop on that train.

Mobile compatibility

On average 40%-70% of users are accessing sites through their mobile device. If your site is not mobile compatible you are losing a huge market. Users using mobile sites has grown substantially in the last 15 months and it’s only expected to keep growing.

Pop-up adsTry-Shopify.jpg

Pop-up ads used to plague users with their aggressive marketing, making them a taboo forthe eCommerce community. But they are popping back, new and improved. Pop-up ads used to ask for a lot of information and was a battle to try and close them, and close them, and close them. But now pop-up ads are cleaner, they often are showing users a sale and only ask for their email address and when a user closes them, they don’t return.


Having a personal connection with every customer is an impossible challenge. Customers want to know about you, know about your process of making your product, or why you are producing. Writing small blurbs throughout your eCommerce site creates a stronger relationship between you and your customer. Customers want to know your story, so tell it to them, make a friend!


Feel like you eCommerce Site could use a boost? Or do you need a complete redesign? 5J design in Sioux Falls are Shopify experts and we can help make your eCommerce site rad!

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