Five J Design Blog

8 Tips for Writing Face Melting Emails!

Posted by Alli Nix on Thu, Jul 7, 2016 @ 10:07 AM
Alli Nix



According to this article by The Radicati Group, INC. "there are over 100 billion emails sent and received per day. Email remains the predominant form of communication in the business space. This trend is expected to continue, and business email will account for over 132 billion emails sent and received per day by the end of 2017."

If you run a small business those numbers might give you quite the scare. You might be thinking that you just want to run away and bury your head in the dirt. However, do not fear because 5j Design has your back. Here are 8 tips for writing face melting emails that are sure to get noticed in the deep depths of an inbox!

1. Subject line

giphy.gifIf we are being honest with each other, we probably already know from our own email accounts that only 20% to 40% of emails actually get opened!

This makes the subject line that much more important. Your subject line is the most important part of your email, so give it the time it deserves!  Your viewers cannot hide from your subject line, but they will ignore it if it's super lame. Think of the subject line as a newspaper headline. The headline serves two purposes, to catch the viewer's attention and to make them want to read more. This is exactly what you want to do with the subject line of all your emails. Get their attention so they want more! To learn more please read 6 Tips To Boost Email Subject Lines.

2. Make your first impression count

More than 60 percent of those surveyed by Campaigner said new subscribers receive a message from the brand within the first 24 hours of signing up. This shows the viewers that you are professional and that you care. To make sure you are always viewed in a professional light make sure that you follow these three simple steps: always be polite and professional, proofread, and check your tone. In everyday conversation, we use body language, tone of voice and expressions to view how someone is communicating. This is extremely difficult to communicate in emails and can be easily misinterpreted. That is why it is so important to check your tone before you send an email.

Do not over communicate. Before you start writing ask yourself "is this really necessary". The average office worker receives around 80 emails each day and a 2013 survey by Sendmail, Inc., found that it has caused tension, confusion, or other negative consequences for 64 percent of working professionals. Therefore if it can be done over IM or by simply picking up the phone and calling, DO IT for your viewer's stress levels!

3. Remember to K.I.S.S

giphy_2.gifNo, I don't mean you need to virtually kiss your viewers, although it would be hilarious to watch you attempt it. I mean Keep It Simple Stupid! Simplicity drives curiosity and curiosity drives action. Keep your sentences short and to the point. The body of your email should be direct, informative, and should contain all the pertinent information. Also, remember that you do not have to cram all the information you have ever thought of into one email. Unlike sending snail mail, it does not cost more to send multiple emails. Although you don't want to bombard your viewers with emails, you can find a balance. It makes sense to combine related points or subjects into one email and consider chunking information into small, organized sections to make it easier for the viewer to take in. Just remember to keep it simple stupid!

4. Personalize

Personalization is a great tool for getting your viewers to read your emails, but you want to make sure that you sound like you have a pulse and not just a grammar loving robot. Try and avoid saying things like “Dear Sir, or Madam” or “ To Whom it May Concern”. If possible try and get an introduction or use a common connection. Viewers really enjoy when they can see that you have done your research. If you are unable to do that, a simple Hello or Hi [name] will work out just fine. Throughout your email mention their name, company, or their recent press or product launches. Show that you care and that you know what they are up to. To make this easier consider using Hubspot. There, you can set up emails with auto fill so that you can focus on the more important things! If you would like to learn more contact 5j design, a Hubspot Partner.

5. We are visual people


I bet you just looked at that gif and no, its not witchcraft, it's just really good marketing! We are a very visual and lazy culture so if there is an image or video we are going to look at that first as to avoid reading. Instead of just text, add some pictures or videos. This will instantly grab your viewer's attention and make your email that much more exciting!

6. Have a specific mission 

Before you even start writing your email make sure you know the purpose of it and what you want your viewers to do. Your call to action must be clear. Keep the call to action simple, well defined, and clear to the viewer. If it is not clear to you, it is not going to be clear to them. If its not clear to them you wont get the results you are wanting. 

7. You hate mondays and so do they 

It is always difficult to know the best day to send your viewers emails. You want your carefully constructed email to be viewed and not lost in the deep depths of someone's inbox. Here are a few tips. Mondays are the worst, so don't make your viewers’ Mondays even wogiphy-1.gifrse by bombarding them with emails that they don't want to check. Fridays should be avoided because, let's be honest, we are already mentally on vacation. The best days are Tuesday - Thursday between 1 and 4 p.m. (this is when most people are checking their emails). If that’s not good enough for you, then wait for this….the best time to send an email is Thursday at 2:00pm. (boom) You're welcome.

8. Send the emails to yourself

This is such a simple yet very revealing way to view your emails. When you read your email in your own inbox you are given the magical ability to start thinking like your customers. Here are a few questions to ask yourself. Would you open that email? Would you spend more than 3 seconds reading it? If not, trash it and start over to make something worth reading! 


Armed with these 8 face melting emailing tips your messages are sure to get noticed. And that is half the battle.

  Inbound Marketing


Tags: email marketing

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