Five J Design Blog

Happy National High Five Day!

Posted by Sawyer Vanden Heuvel on Thu, Apr 16, 2015 @ 15:04 PM
Sawyer Vanden Heuvel
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Give yourself a high five today!

April 16, 2015 marks the annnual "National High Five Day". National High Five Day was started in 2002 by college students at the University of Virginia. Then in 2010, the founders of National High Five Day, wanted to put all of those high fives to good-will and raise money for various causes and organizations. This year, the National High Five Project is donating to Action for Healthy Kids.

To honor the day, we've put together some famous high fives for you to use today. So go ahead, give your boss a high five, your mom, your mail carrier, your Starbucks barista, even your dog would appreciate a high five!. 

1. The "Selfie" High Five

When you know you did a good job, but no one else is around to appreciate what you've done. 


2. "Air Five"

When you and your office mates are too far away to give an actual high five, the "air five" is the next logical choice. 

High Five Day

3. "Phone Five"

When you hang up after a very successful phone conversation, it calls for the use of the "phone five". 


4. "The Paw Five"

Why high five another hand when you can high five a paw! 


5. "On-the-escalator-high-five" 

Who cares if it's a stranger, give them a high five because you're just that kind of person!

High Five Day

6. The "BFF-five"

Because you're awesome and your friends know it, too. High Five!


7. The "Internet" High Five

But, if no is around, go ahead and place that hand of yours on your screen to give the Internet a high five! The interwebs rejoice.


Happy National High Five Day from all of us here at Five J Design! Go make the world a better place and share a high five! Use the official hashtag #NH5D when sharing your high fives!

High Five Day

Tags: High Fives

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