Five J Design Blog

Meet Our Summer Intern, Cassie!

Posted by Cassie Stoick on Fri, Jun 15, 2018 @ 15:06 PM
Hey hey! I'm Cassie Stoick. Like stoichiometry! If you don't know what that is, don't feel bad, I don't either.
Aside from being an aspiring coffee nerd and lover of all hipster things, I have a passion for photography, videography, and social media. Currently, I am in hot pursuit of obtaining my Professional Communication degree from the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, along with a Business Administration minor (yes, senioritis is in FULL swing).
I am Sioux Falls born and raised (go Warriors!), meaning I am a BIG fan of the local food, friendly people, and crazy beautiful sunsets. Next winter I will be getting hitched and swapping out the "city" of Sioux Falls for Omaha, Nebraska. Basically, this means more hipster things are in my future. No complaints on this end!
My dream job falls somewhere on the spectrum of media coordinator, communication director, project manager, photographer and videographer. If you come up with a job title that captures all of those aspects, let me know and I will relay the message to my parents!
I adore learning how to make the creative visions in my head come to life, and I believe true quality is found best in raw, spur of the moment situations! This is the perspective I am excited to bring to 5j this summer!!
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Aside from coffee, what drives me to get up each morning is the newness each day brings. No one day is the same, and I believe every individual day is created and prepared with a unique purpose. I can make as many plans as I want, but ultimately I never know exactly what will happen! This mindset helps me enjoy each moment that I am given.
What is your go-to "drank" at your favorite coffee shop?
Lavender latte ALLLLL the way. Coffea does it best in my opinion!
If you had an unlimited gift card to any store on Earth, which store would it be?
I was tempted to say Urban Outfitters, but I think I would choose Target instead! Not only because Target is simply amazing, but as a result I could endlessly gift people with free groceries, gadgets, and gear. #blessup
What kind of car do you drive?
A red PT Cruiser. Some call it the Nickleback of cars, but it has a who is actually winning?
What is one thing you want to witness in 2018?
A more selfLESS community come to life.
Weirdest food combination that you think all people should try:
Easy. Chocolate custard on a butter burger from Culver's...I PROMISE it is life changing.
Something you don't like but secretly wish you enjoyed?
Seafood!!! I think it is disgusting, but wish so badly that I liked it! I will say, though, that sushi isn't half bad. 

Tags: Insider, Social Media, Hi From 5j, Tracking

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