Five J Design Blog

SEO: Is Your Website Ranking Falling?

Posted by Jake Peterson on Tue, Oct 20, 2015 @ 14:10 PM
Jake Peterson
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Website SEO RankingHave you noticed your website ranking slip on Google? Is your website not showing up like it use to? Has the competition passed you up? It's okay, take a breath, you can fix this. 

Search is important, really important. Competition is getting stiff and Google is constantly changing their algorithm. Staying on top of search needs to become part of your marketing to-dos. 

So how do you compete? How can your website stay on-top and relevant? Here are three things you can start doing TODAY to make sure you don't lose out in this competitive market. 


Three Ways to Keep or Improve your Website Ranking.

  1. Install & Monitor Google Analytics. - Google Analytics is free and easy to add to your website. It's an extremely valuable tool to keep track of your website and see what kind of traffic you have now and if things are getting better or worse. The more you know about your website visitors' habits and how they are interacting with your site, the smarter you can market.

  2. Learn some SEO basics. Search Engine Optimization can be intimidating at first, but trust us, some basic knowledge can take you far. This education has two big benefits. 1. You can implement some basic strategies to help your site ranking on your own; and 2., if you ever hire someone to manage your SEO, you'll know what they are talking about. A basic foundation can be very valuable. We recommend starting with - SEO Fundamentals

  3. Blog. Google loves fresh and relevant content. Blogging is the best way to start pushing out new content. By blogging regularly, you will cement yourself as an expert in your field and give visitors lots of information to dig into as they learn about your company. Many content mangement systems (CMS) have blog functionality built in to the software. If you're not sure where to start let us know and we can help you implement a new blog.

How to Get This Going.

  1. Plan. Start with the coming month and plan out a strategy, some topic ideas, and dates.

  2. Schedule. Take your plan and add it to your calendar. Make it part of your day.

  3. Proof, Publish and Share. Proofread your posts, publish and don't forget to share on social media.

  4. Track. Tracking the impact these tasks are making on your website traffic will motivate you to keep it up - because you will start to see the results. 


We have just scratched the surface here with things you can do to improve your website ranking. There are so many variables here it is hard to guarantee results. If you'd like a more comprehensive review of your website or strategy please drop us a line, we would love to take a peek and show you how we can help. 

If you're looking for some more ideas, make sure you check out our guide on the 25 website must haves

  25 Website Must Haves

Tags: SEO, Web Design

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