Five J Design Blog

How Storytelling will Transform your eCommerce store

Posted by Emily Wallace on Thu, Jul 28, 2016 @ 11:07 AM
Emily Wallace


"Storytelling" is taking over blog sites, marketing pages and especially eCommerce sites. This new evolution in online sales is taking the internet by storm. eCommerce is a hyper-competitive world, and simply optimizing your store isn't going to get you the result that you desire. The key is creating the illusion of a personal connection with the art of storytelling.

According to Annette Simmons, the author of "The Story Factor", there are six types of storytelling styles. ( This blog by does a great job at summarizing the book for you. ) Each style has it's specific use for your eCommerce store.


When people are searching the internet they scan pages in an "F-Pattern". That means that they read across the top, then look down the left side of the screen and then they search across the content for something interesting to read. That means for your storytellers out there, you need to hook your readers in with an interesting title if you're wanting them to continue down your content. Seems like a no brainer right? Write about something interesting and readers will stay on your site. 

Ok once we stumble through the cycle of "good writing get customers", "engage your readers", yeah you know that. But in reality everyone is trying to get customers, you need your site to stand out and call to your customers. Storytelling in the eCommerce world is the art of persuasion. 

1. Who I am 

This style of storytelling is useful for creating trust with your audience. Users want to know who they are buying from. Although online shopping is up 15% compared to last year, users still want to know who they are buying from. The internet is full of scammers, prove to your audience that you are an authentic and engaging person. You can use a "who I am" style story on your Shopify homepage or your about me page. By telling your story you create a space to have a common connection with your audience, thus creating a sense of relationship. If you'd like a good example of a "who I am" story, check out Burt's Bees incredible history page

2. Why I'm here

"Why I'm here" is very similar to "Who I am" but it establishes your purpose to selling your product. You are telling your audience why you are selling the products that you are. You are justifying your purpose of having an online store. By telling your story of "why I'm here" you're connecting on a personal level trying to persuade your audience to purchase from you. This is useful for your about me page, homepage, and even on your product page.  If your story of "Why I'm here" is a story of how there's no other product on the market like yours if you're selling wheelchairs that have a one of a kind transferring function.Tell that story on your product page. Connect with your audience.

3. Vision

Tell your audience how things could be for them if they purchase your product from your Shopify store. Paint them a picture of what their life could be like once your product solves all their problems. Tell them a story of how your product saves them time and money. How your product will change their life. This style of storytelling would be used on the product page, or the homepage. 

4. Teaching Stories

These stories are to teach your audience from your mistakes. Let's be honest, there are a lot of eCommerce stores out there, there are even more products out there. This storytelling for your Shopify store is to teach your audience why they need to use your product. They need to use your vintage glassware because you've learned that modern glassware doesn't last as long.You teach them why your product will save them money, time and embarrassment. 

5. Value-in-action

This is very similar to "Why I'm here" storytelling but this is the place where you tell your audience the value in your product. This is where you explain why your product is saving the world and how your product is serving more than just their needs, but the greater good. This is a valuable storytelling method for your homepage especially. If your audience knows that by buying your product they are helping others, they are more motivated to do so. Just look at Toms

6. "I know what your thinking"

This is the  best story telling to replacing that FAQ page. You are getting ahead of their questions and answering them with this storytelling technique. If you are explaining to customers often why your product is an all day wheelchair, instead of just an in-home wheelchair. Tell a story! Tell the story of a customer who was relieved to only need one wheelchair and how your product saved them time and money because they could use your 24/7 wheelchair. Beat your audience to the question and answer it with a story. 

This might seem like a daunting amount of content to write but it makes all the difference. Customers will feel like they know your business on a personal level. Storytelling is more engaging than simply bullet points and it creates a sense of authenticity. So get to writing!


Check out these other eCommerce tips from your Sioux falls Shopify experts! 5J is here for all your eCommerce needs as these trends on constantly changing. We stay on top of them, so you don't have to. 

Inbound Marketing

Tags: Ecommerce

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